March 22, 2011

Crop Stats

I went to another AWESOME crop last weekend in PA.  (Thanks Jeni for all your hard work!!)  Here are a few of my stats:

Hours at the crop - 64  Arrived at 6pm on Thursday and left just before 4pm on Sunday
Layouts completed - 16
Number of photo scavenger hunt pictures taken - 21 out of 40  Obviously we didn't win.
Number of times Keegan fell asleep on me - 2  Cutest little baby!!
Pieces of chocolate consumed - countless!!
Quarter auction baskets won - 0  That's because Tina won them all!!
Raffle prizes won - 0  That's because Beth won all of those!!
Times I got to pick from the prize table - 2  Once for favorite luau costume (you'll see that beauty later!!) and once for best homemade snack...cake pops!!

We packed the car really well...and by well I mean over flowing.  I had to pare things down quite a bit because there were 4 of us this time.

Here are some of the scavenger hunt pictures:

Us with Denny Long in a luau costume.

Us on an orange tractor.

Us in a school bus.

Shannon on a rolled bale of hay.

Me wearing a local's bifocals.  Smokey was awesome!!  He helped up out with lots of the pics that we needed around town.

The one that really got us stumped was "you and your partner petting a llama".  Now the guy with the alpaca farm moved 2 weeks earlier and wasn't living with his alpacas at the moment.  We found his farm but it was so incredibly dark out that we were too scared to go wandering around it on our own.   So after 2 hours, we decided to call it quits.  Tanya and Megan completed the scavenger hunt in a little over 2 hours and were declared the winners!!

An now, for the luau costume...this one is awesome!!

That's me in the center with the HUGE blue hat!!  Crazy right??  When I shook my hips, the tassles went flying all over the place.  It was really fun!!

So over the next several days I'll show you some of the layouts I made.  Some I used sketches so I'll show you those too.  But first an original creation by yours truely!!

I was very happy to finish all the pictures from the March 2010 snow storm.  There were so many pictures and I made it a personal goal of mine to get them all done at the crop.

Here I used Bazzill cardstock, Echo Park patterned paper, Stickles for a little shimmer, and Thickers for the letters.

And here is the best news of the whole trip.  Shannon found my Cricut carts!!!  They had been packed up in the bottom of her jukebox.  And because she hasn't scrapped in months, she hadn't looked there.  I was just thrilled to be able to use my Cricut again!!

I'm still trying to catch up on sleep, so off to bed I go.  I'll have more for you tomorrow!!

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