January 26, 2011

No More Shopping

So I recently took stock of my craft room and all my scrappy supplies.  I decided that enough is enough.  I know, that goes against everything we scrappers believe in, but really, I have to stop.  Every month I get my kit from Scarlet Lime, I shop quite a bit at the crops I go to, I hit scrappy stores in every state or city I visit, and then we have the 2 big expos in the summer. 

I have been collecting more than I'm using.  Not good for many reasons:

1.  I'm spending money on stuff that I'm not even using for several months.

2.  I'm running out of room to store all my purchases.

3.  I want to acquire less "things" this year.

So I have decided to not shop for scrappy extras this year and use up some of the stuff I have hanging around.  I cancelled my subscription to Scarlet Lime.  I'm really going to miss those but I have a TON of stuff left to work with.  I even have 4 complete kits I haven't even touched yet.

I will allow myself to buy plain colored cardstock such as white, black and brown.  The colors I use all the time.  I have enough Tombow refills from my huge order last year so no need for adhesive. 

I can buy blade refills for my cutter.  Those are essential. 

When I go away to the CRC crops, I get $50 in vendor bucks for paying for the next crop in full that weekend.  I only go twice a year and each crop is really cheap at $155 so not a huge expense there.  And I really like having that time to get some serious work done. 

So I should be able to just make it through.  I'll keep you all updated on my scrappy purchases and try to pull some of those older supplies to good use in new ways.  I just need to be more creative. 

Here is one of those layouts:

I had these scraps of CTMH papers left over and really wanted to use them instead of throwing them out.

I scrapped a bunch of Niagra Falls pics this weekend, so that's what you're going to see the rest of the week.  Good thing is we are half way through the week.  Hooray!!  Only one more work day and the weekend is here again.  Can't wait.

Start planning your weekend know I am!!

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