November 8, 2010

Weekend Recap

So my hopes of a relaxing weekend weren't completely thrown out the window this weekend.  Friday we went to the Tuckerton Seaport with our homeschool group.  It was a really interesting place.  They had a bunch of little houses set up along the water with each house dedicated to a particular theme.  Some of the themes were:

Early settlers and their fishing practices.

A surf board musuem with all sorts of different surf boards.

A quick little talk about how decoy ducks were made in the early 1920's - 1950's.  They also spoke a lot about which animals were hunted and how...this was quite disturbing to Abbie a few times so we had to excuse ourselves for a little a fresh air a few times along the way.

The original Light House fell into the sea many years ago so they recreated this one.  The view from the top was amazing...wanna see?

Told ya!!  We ended up finishing the tour on our own with a trip to a little house all about clams and scallops and a round of mini golf. 

The Tuckerton Seaport also had one of the Giant Clam Shells on our Clam Tour for 2011.  What???  You don't know what that means??  All around the county, there are these Giant (fake) clam shells with information on them.  We picked up our "Official" clam tour log at the Beach Plum Festival in September, but hadn't started searching for our shells yet.  There were 2 in Tuckerton so after our tour we set off to find the second one.

The second one was at the end of a very long road at a marina.  They had already stored it away for the winter, but let us go and take a look at it anyway.

The giant clam was sitting next to their really neat clam nursery.  They had several very large trays of clam beds with all these tiny little clams in them.

I'd never seen that before!!  Can you imagine all the clams they can grow?!?! 

So the rest of the day was dedicated to scrapping and relaxing.  On Saturday our friend Lyell turned 50 (Happy Birthday!!) and had an amazing party in Asbury Park.  I did have my camera with me but I was so busy holding a sleeping baby for most of the party (not mine, of course) that by the time I got around to pulling my camera out of my pocket, we were leaving I had forgot to take pictures.  So all I have are my memories and those don't always translate well.

On Sunday I baked cupcakes for Dom's spooky birthday party.  He turned 6 last week.  Shannon did such a great job with all the spooky decorations and Halloween themed food.  This time I forgot my camera all together!!  I had a ton of stuff to take to the party and the camera just didn't make it.  The rest of the night was filled with laundry.  Not very relaxing, but completely necessary.

So that was my weekend.  Hopefully all of you got to spend time doing what makes you happy with people who make you happy.

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